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島田 沙里



1978年 東京生まれ
2000年 女子美術大学 デザイン科 卒業

身内に芸術家の多く、幼少の頃からものづくりが身近なものでした。中学入学と同時に日本画家の奥倉 賢二先生にデッサンを習い始め、大学時代はデザイン科に所属しながらも日本画を描いていました。日本画は、天然の岩から作られている岩絵具の自然の色の美しさと、粒子の粗さの違いも活かして描ける点が魅力。その天然の素材で、自然や流れを描くことが好きでした。


2022年 第78回 現展入選(俊英作家)国立新美術館

2023年 自身の工房に電気窯を設置

2024年 個人宅壁面に飾る三連作品を受注制作

Sari Shimada


Live in Tokyo

1978, Born in Tokyo, Japan
2000, Graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design


Growing up in a family of artists, creating things was a familiar part of my life from a young age. When I entered junior high school, I began learning drawing from the Japanese painter Kenji Okukura, and while I was in the design department at Joshibi University of Art and Design, I continued to paint in the Japanese style. The appeal of Japanese painting lies in the beauty of the natural colors of mineral pigments made from natural rocks, and the ability to create expressions that utilize the differences in particle coarseness. I was fascinated by the depiction of nature and its flow using natural materials.

After graduating from university, I worked in design, but after many years of creating in the two-dimensional world on screen, I felt a growing desire to create three-dimensional objects that I could directly touch with my hands. After considering various materials such as wood, stone, metal, and glass, I was drawn to the world of earth, a natural material that allows me to freely add and subtract while pursuing form. In 2013, I began creating three-dimensional objects using earth. After working with earth for about ten years and finding my direction, I quit my design job in 2022 and shifted my focus to the world of three-dimensional sculpture.

2022: Selected for the 78th Gen Exhibition (Promising Artist), National Art Center, Tokyo

2023: Set up an electric kiln in my workshop

2024: Commissioned to create a three-part wall-mounted piece

© 2022 SaTO

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